2016年11月26日 — The Gate Tower Building stands 16 stories high if you count the missing 3 stories. The missing floors (5th - 7th) house the Hanshin Expressway ...
The Gate Tower Building is a 16-floor office building in Fukushima-ku, Osaka, Japan. It is notable for the highway offramp of the Ikeda Route that passes ...
2012年1月16日 — Futuristic-looking and against all classic notions of creating high rises, the Gate Tower Building is actually the result of a compromise ...
TKP Gate Tower Building is a 16-story office building located in Osaka's Fukushima Ward. A highway runs through a portion of the building, which garnered it ...
2020年11月13日 — The Gate Tower Building is a 16-storey office building in Osaka, Japan. It is well-known for including the highway off-ramp at the Umeda ...
The Gate Tower Building, a remarkable feat of engineering, allows vehicles to drive straight through the facade of a building and emerge on the other side.